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Detox at Home Specialists

Alcohol Detox at Home | Safe Detoxification

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Alcohol addiction can be a difficult problem to deal with, especially if you have not begun any addiction treatment yet.

However, for many people, an alcohol home detox can be a good place to start – allowing you to try the process from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you are actively seeking an alcohol home detox specifically or just want a convenient way to detox from alcohol, it is important to understand what at-home alcohol detox is and how it can help you.

Alcohol dependence is a serious problem for many people, and there is not one single method to tackle it. An at-home detox process could be just what some people need to kick-start their recovery in October 2024.

If you are looking to seek professional medical help for your alcohol use, please contact us now.

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Why Choose Us for Your Home Detox

We at Detox At Home are fully licensed and well-accredited addiction counsellors, drawing on years of experience within the industry of treating alcohol dependence.

While a treatment facility is often the first choice for many addicts, we understand that an inpatient detox is not always the right move.

Our team aim to provide the best home detox services possible, working to help each patient stop drinking through an at-home alcohol detox programme tailored to their individual needs.

Like many alcohol rehab specialists, we understand that addiction is a very different experience for different patients. Rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach, we tackle substance abuse through long term recovery and treatment options suited to every patient’s requirements.

Home Alcohol Detox Cost

On average, the cost for a typical home detox program can cost between £900 to £2000, depending on a wide range of factors.

This can still be significantly cheaper than inpatient treatment, making an at-home detox a cost-effective option for people with limited funds to spare.

home alcohol detox costs

There can be a lot of factors that go into the cost of home alcohol detoxification. Each private rehab treatment service will offer different base prices, and the overall cost can be impacted by details such as:

In simple terms, a home detox can vary heavily in price.

We do our best to keep our costs stable and fair – if you want to know more about our prices and would like a free quote estimate, then be sure to contact our team of experts today.

What is a Home Detox?

A home detox is exactly what it sounds like detoxing from alcohol or other substances at home.

This is a process that focuses on a patient undergoing an alcohol detox (or any kind of drug addiction detox) without being moved to an inpatient treatment facility. This allows them to go about their day-to-day life whilst in the middle of an alcohol detox.

Home detoxes are tougher on the patient due to the reduced restraint placed on them that demands more self-control of their drinking habits. However, it also means that a patient can slowly separate themselves from alcohol abuse without being placed into rehab facilities.

While not everyone finds a home detox useful, it can be invaluable for the right people in modern life. Not only can they enable you to continue your normal life, but an at-home detox can be surprisingly effective as long as it is structured correctly.

Even if medical support is still needed, a home alcohol detox can enable patients to get prescription drugs and medical assistance that would help them with the process. The only real difference is the location that they are living in during the process.

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Benefits Of Medically-Supervised Detox Treatment

Whether you are arranging an at-home alcohol detox or getting an inpatient medical detox, medical supervision is important.

Between withdrawal symptoms and the struggles of alcohol detoxification in the first place, it is not easy to break an addiction without professional medical help.

Besides the breaking of the addiction itself, a medically assisted detox can have a wide range of benefits over attempting to go cold turkey. These include:

Reduced Stress

Trying to break an addiction can be both mentally and physically stressful, putting a lot of pressure on the body and mind.

It is not uncommon for individuals to suffer with mental health issues when struggling with alcoholism.

With medical support and the right treatment steps, these issues can be minimised, making it a lot more comfortable for the patient during each step of their recovery.

While detox is still difficult, lowering the amount of stress a patient feels is key to helping them manage their compulsions.

The involvement of medical professionals makes it a lot harder for patients to have “cheat days” or make other choices that would harm their own recovery chances.

Easier Health Management

The physical stress of treating an addiction encompasses a lot of potential health concerns: alcohol withdrawal symptoms, blood pressure changes from using certain medications, and even the potentially-fatal delirium tremens. With medical professionals on hand, these problems become significantly less serious.

Most withdrawal symptoms and potential problems can be mitigated through professional treatment, whether that means certain kinds of prescribed medication or particular behavioural structures that patients have to follow.

Even more serious symptoms and medical complications are easier to manage with experts available.

benefits of medically supervised detox treatment

Safer Recovery

Attempting to go “cold turkey” and force yourself to stop drinking can be a risky move for many people.

Depending on how severe the alcohol use disorder has been, it can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms – and people who have been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol for years may have a higher risk of death due to heart failure or a heart attack if they suddenly stop drinking.

A medical detox includes further support and a more structured, staggered recovery method that prevents these problems. Rather than a cold turkey withdrawal process that can lead to extremely severe consequences, this kind of recovery is easier for the body to handle.

Greater Structure

Following a detox program created by a healthcare professional removes the risks of a patient simply falling back into their old habits, such as having a “last drink” or “cheat day” that snowballs into them consuming alcohol regularly again.

A proper alcohol detox process means that the patient is held accountable.

This structure can also help patients who are undertaking detox options because they cannot structure their recovery themselves.

If they cannot stop drinking alcohol themselves, then having another party building a structure for them to follow can really make a difference.

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Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment at Home

Choosing a home alcohol addiction treatment option can be a good way to treat your addiction while also keeping to your regular routine and day-to-day life.

This can be more comfortable for many patients and a lot more convenient overall, which can make it very worthwhile for the right people.

While an inpatient treatment option obviously has its own benefits, too, a home detox is always better than attempting to go cold turkey yourself without any extra support.

Through a structured home detox, a patient can stop drinking alcohol from the comfort of their own home while still being able to detox safely.

If done with the proper structure and support, a home detox from alcohol can be just as safe as an inpatient process, with the added benefits of letting the patient stay at home.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Mishandling your alcohol detox (or attempting to go cold turkey) can lead to some major alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Being aware of these is important, especially if you have severely bad drinking habits and are considering cutting yourself off from alcohol at home.

There are various other symptoms of withdrawal too.

With the proper support (both from local support groups and medical support from groups like us), patients can avoid all major alcohol withdrawal symptoms and ensure that they remain safe during the detox.

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Alcohol at Home?

An alcohol detox at home takes around 3-6 weeks.

While physical withdrawal symptoms usually disappear after around a week since last consuming alcohol, the detoxing itself can take a lot longer.

Alcohol remains in your central nervous system for at least two weeks, and severe lifelong alcohol misuse can lead to alcohol withdrawal symptoms lingering for much longer.

A detox treatment generally takes about a month under ideal circumstances: this includes not only the recovery itself but also checks for medical conditions such as heart disease, liver disease and damaged liver function along with the emotional support required to keep a patient from relapsing.

How to Safely Detox From Alcohol at Home

Detoxing from alcohol at home is best done with professional support and treatment. However, there are many steps that the patient themselves (or a family member) can take to alleviate some of the pressure this process places on themselves.

How to safely detox from alcohol at home

Lifestyle changes can help you detox from alcohol at home and stop being physically dependent on the substance.

Even if you are detoxing at home, a medically assisted detox is the best option. Even without mentioning the structural benefits or the added support, the detox medication alone can be useful for handling alcohol withdrawal, something that a patient can’t easily do on their own.

What are The Risks of a Home Detox Programme?

People with an existing chronic health concern or serious medical problems may be at greater risk when trying a home detoxification, due to the lower level of medical oversight.

While you have medical support, being at home is very different to being kept in a well-monitored medical environment.

As mentioned earlier, attempting to go cold turkey yourself through alcohol addiction can also be very dangerous. Attempting a detox without the right kind of medical support can be risky.

Detox at Home vs Inpatient Treatment

Detoxing at home provides the patient with more freedom, but inpatient treatment will generally always be slightly more effective and safer.

This is because an inpatient detoxes place the patient in the care of a proper rehab facility rather than them receiving care while they are still living at home.

However, a home alcohol detox is both cheaper and still very effective. With the right level of professional support, alcohol addicts can reach the turning point of their successful recovery. For many patients, being at home is also a major advantage and convenience factor.

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Am I Eligible for an Alcohol Home-Detox?

Aside from being medically able to get detoxification, there is not any real eligibility retirement for an at-home detox.

The only exception is people who are so sick or at risk of complications that a medical detox is required.

Who Should Not Detox at Home?

Those who are suffering from severe addictions should not detox at home.

If there is any major risk associated with your health during a detoxification process, then an inpatient option is usually the better choice.

While still safe, a home process does not offer the direct care that being an inpatient would.

home detoxification FAQ'S

What is a Medically-Assisted Alcohol Home Detox?

A medically-assisted detoxification is simply a withdrawal process that has medical supervision, ensuring that the patient is kept safe from serious harm while they undergo their detoxification.

What is Involved in Detoxing at Home and How Does it Work?

Detoxing processes involve multiple major steps, such as:

Do I Need to Detox From Alcohol?

A detox is far safer than trying to simply quit drinking and is the best way to ensure that you are not a slave to alcohol addiction.

If you no longer want to be addicted to alcohol, then this kind of process is essential to getting the ongoing treatment you need and avoiding potentially dangerous withdrawal side effects.

Is Home Detox Suitable for Other Drugs of Dependence?

A home detox can be used for multiple types of addiction.

However, this depends on the drug itself. Be sure to talk to a medical professional about your physical dependence before you attempt any withdrawal-related treatment.

Sometimes a drug home detox is not enough for a drug addict.

What type of medications can be administered to me for an alcohol addiction home detox?

There are various medications used in the detox processes, such as:


Managing withdrawal symptoms without the help of a professional can be very dangerous, regardless of how well you prepare. If you want to ensure that you are getting the right treatment for your situation, then turning to professionals is the best option.

We offer a wide range of detoxification options to help patients get through their addictions, all while making sure that they are not in any extra danger. Like most serious medical conditions, having professional assistance can make recovery significantly easier.

If you want to know more about what we can offer and how we can help addicts recover, contact us today to talk with our team.

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Make sure you contact us today for a number of great alcohol detox services.

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What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Detox at Home to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

Ashley Walters
Greater London

We have used Detox at Home for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

Donovan Simpson
Greater London

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